Hay There Social Media Freelance Expertise Published in Fast Company

Hay There Social Media, Founder & CEO, Emily A. Hay, and its COO, Alison Spitzer, co-authored an article in Fast Company on why “Just Go Freelance” is crappy advice. Fast Company is world’s leading business media brand, with an editorial focus on innovation in technology, leadership, world changing ideas,...

Emily A. Hay Featured in the Mother Honestly Newsletter

Emily A. Hay was recently featured in the Mother Honestly newsletter discussing her role in the Fair Play documentary. Audrey Goodson Kingo conducted the interview, which aims to shine a light on the division of unpaid labor in the home. From the newsletter: “There’s a moment in the new Fair Play...

Emily A. Hay Featured on Local 4 about FAIR PLAY

If there’s one thing working moms know, it’s that life isn’t fair sometimes. Managing the job and the home can take an emotional toll on anyone, and FAIR PLAY aims to show how it impacts women, families, and society at large. Emily A. Hay knows this first-hand because she...

Emily A. Hay Featured On Social Media P.I.E. With Brenda Meller

Brenda Meller of Meller Marketing recently had Emily as a guest on her LinkedIn live show, Social Media P.I.E. The live, interactive show aims to interview inspiring People who Inform and Educate YOU. Brenda specializes in helping individuals and business harness the power of LinkedIn. Emily’s feature included tips...

Work-Life Integration and Emily A. Hay Featured on This Organized Life Podcast

Emily A. Hay recently had the opportunity to be on the This Organized Life Podcast with host Laurie Palau. Laurie is the founder of Simply B Organized, which has the mission of Helping People Live Simply and Work Smarter. In addition to helping people reduce clutter, she is passionate about...

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