My Fail Detroit Story: Get On Your Boots

By Emily A. Hay Listen to FailDetroit Co-Founder, Brandon Helderop, and Emily A. Hay discuss FailDetroit on the Internet Advisor show on WJR 760AM Detroit. I recently had the honor – and challenge- to contribute to this fresh and productive effort by Brandon Helderop, @B_Helderop and William B, @SirWillTheGreat...

My Rent the Runway Experience

By Emily A. Hay This post was discussed on-air the Internet Advisors Shows, WJR 760AM Detroit. Finding the perfect dress for a special event can be stressful…and while browsing designer labels can be fun, actually wearing one can be cost-prohibitive.  It’s time to add “rented couture” to the list...

Challenge Detroit: A Social *Media* Movement in the Making!

By Emily A. Hay The Challenge is on, the Challenge is here…  it’s time for Challenge Detroit.  Challenge Detroit (@ChallengeDet) is an outside-the-box initiative by The Collaborative Group, which is a diverse gathering of entrepreneurial thinkers from throughout southeast Michigan who have the capacity and desire to improve greater...

The Oogieloves Love for Social Media

By Emily A. Hay “The Oogieloves in The BIG Balloon Adventure” is a new children’s movie that has shaken up the traditional movie going experience for kids and parents alike. This truly rated G movie (#RatedGGG), targeting viewers between the ages of 2 and 9 years old, is the...

#SocialTestDrive: Weekend Errands & Celebrity Sightings by a Jeep Loyalist

By Emily A. Hay I learned how to drive on a black Jeep Wrangler (manual baby!), we had a Jeep Cherokee in the family and I have been driving the same white Jeep Liberty since college….needless to say, I am one of those people that understands the expression, “It’s...

Overcoming Obstacles

You know how there are just some people in life who help propel you forward?  That without their support and guidance, you feel like you may not have made any progress towards your goals?  One of those people for me is a woman named Eleni Kelakos, a personal development...

Social Media Martini Podcast on Blog Talk Radio

Are you interested in using social media for your small business? Learn how a strong social media presence is a lot like the perfect martini in this FREE podcast. Click here to listen to audio from Emily A. Hay’s interview on BlogTalkRadio. Listen to internet radio with Spotlight of...

FREE Social Media Webinar for Dentists

Hay There!  This info is taken from the most recent eNewsletter sent by Drs. Dave & Rich Madow, The Madow Brothers.  Be sure to register for this FREE social media webinar for dentists next Wednesday evening, February 15th at 9:00pm EST!  Don’t miss it! 🙂 “These Two Things Will...

Social Media for 2012

Happy Holidays from Hay There Social Media!   Check out our video message below wishing you all the best this holiday season. Get the wheels turning and consider some New Year’s resolutions that involve social media to help grow your business.   SHARE WHAT YOU COME UP WITH! Stumped?...
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